

DIFFER news item
28 May 2015
The FOM Foundation has reached agreement with Bogor Projectontwikkeling B.V. and Green Real Estate B.V. about the sale of the Rijnhuizen estate in Nieuwegein. The transfer of the estate will take place in 2016. Up until the start of May 2015 the FOM Institute for Fundamental Energy Research DIFFER was located on the estate.
DIFFER news item
Op 11 mei 2015 is DIFFER verhuisd naar zijn nieuwe gebouw op het TU/e Science Park. In zijn duurzame nieuwbouw heeft het instituut de ruimte om uit te breiden met nieuwe onderzoeksgroepen en experimenten.
DIFFER news item
Most of the worldwide research efforts in solar fuels are directed at the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen. However, no efficient catalytic or traditional chemical alternative catalyst is yet available. Tenure trackers Anja Bieberle and Mihalis Tsampas each explore an artificial leaf approach to DIFFER’s solar fuels theme.